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There is now an avalanche of information about the Coronavirus and the vaccines being forced on people. Every newscast starts with covid information, and the Internet is awash with thousands of pages of information both for and against the vaccines so my two cents worth is but a whisper in the wind. in the name of preventing the virus from spreading. The forces that control the world want everyone vaccinated, and they will go to any lengths to ensure that as many people as possible are vaccinated. For now, I will let you decide their motives and their goals. I will also let you decide if you should get vaccinated. any thoughts
I have many questions about the virus, but I can’t help but wonder why every newscast seems to start 10 to 15 minutes of information about the vaccine? The controlled mainstream news touts the vaccine as a preventative against the virus. However, many people who have received the vaccine have died from the virus, or from a complication from the vaccine. Granted at this time it seems to be a small percentage, but it is increasing almost daily. any thoughts any thoughts
With the possible exception of the Russian vaccine, none of the vaccines made in or for use in the USA or England pass either the medical or the legal definition of a vaccine. It is interesting to note that even in Russia many people are rejecting the vaccine as well.
The situation now occurring on the planet did not start with the release of the virus. Years of planning went into the process that is designed to rid the planet of a large number of people. Bill gates talked about this back in 2015, and others talked about it decades before that. The target is the elimination of the “useless eaters.” They are defined as older people who no longer contribute to the active workforce. In other words, retired people. Sadly, there is now evidence that the “special ones,” the self-styled elite want almost everyone gone, and it will eventually come to pass. any thoughts
With an ever-shrinking labor force countries are now facing monetary shortfalls. The United States Social Security System is rapidly headed for a day of reckoning. At some point that “Ponzi” scheme will run out of money, but fear not, given the way the US Federal Reserve prints money the social security situation might not be as dire as it sounds. Nevertheless, money alone does not create food. The worldwide situation with food will at some point become a very serious problem. Exactly when that will happen is not yet clear, but mathematical models point out that it will indeed happen. Fear not, Bill Gates is buying up farms and farmland, and if Elon Musk gets his way he will soon be farming Mars. Don’t hold your breath for that one. any thoughts
Discussions about population reduction are now very high on the agenda of those who claim to be responsible for managing the number of people on the planet. When intertwined with the human-created virus the vaccines are now considered by some to be worse than the virus. They are like a time-release tablet. They will do their work as time goes by, and at least one of the videos I posted exposes this.
I am neither a medical researcher nor a doctor, but I am smart enough to recognize a person bleeding to death in the middle of the road when I see it. The glut of information available on the Internet regarding the virus and the vaccines could make every one of us an expert, but unless one seeks it out, one will never get the truth. any thoughts
Almost all TV and Radio media outlets are owned and controlled by the very people who want to reduce the population of the planet. That is why they exercise heavy censorship on the truth while claiming that any information contrary to their official narrative is false and should not be believed. They are not predisposed to provide the facts that we need, but now millions of people get the necessary information from the Internet. They clearly see that the Emperor is NOT wearing any clothes.
I believe in keeping an open mind on any subject. I welcome all points of view regarding the suspect nature of the virus or the vaccines presented here. I especially welcome new information that verifies the clandestine nature of the vaccines. Take any position you care to, but do it with facts and not opinion. A convenient response field follows this text. Feel free to write something or post a link to information on the internet. Videos and other links that run counter to the official narrative can be accessed HERE.
The virus and the vaccine debate will eventually come to a head. However, like any conflict, there will be casualties along the way. I pray that you will not be one of them, but think long and hard before you let them jab you with something that cannot be undone. There are many other very good alternatives to the non-vaccine, vaccine.
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