The Coronavirus

There is now some evidence that the Coronavirus was created specifically to alter human DNA. Can that really be true?

Whenever we are faced with dramatic news of any kind there is a tendency for some to dismiss it, and often label it a “*conspiracy theory.” This is usually because it is too far out of their comfort, or knowledge zone. Others will embrace it no matter how “far out” it might be. Still others will do some research before they reach a conclusion in their own mind. I place myself in the latter group.

The virus has clearly altered life on the planet. Not just with respect to our health and well-being, but apparently the planet is being socially re-engineered. Is this a conspiracy theory, or a true conspiracy? Evidence is mounting that it is a true conspiracy, and that is both scary and sad.

The biggest piece of evidence that a true conspiracy exists today is the fact that the big powerful Internet companies are scrambling to suppress any information about the virus, and related subjects that go counter to what the global conspirators want known about their agenda. Thankfully, the truth is still being shared outside their influence. Nevertheless, it is just a matter of time before their billions, or maybe trillions of dollars will find a way to further stifle the truth about their master plan. Do you think that notion is itself a conspiracy theory? If you do then you have not been privy to the hard evidence that exists which indicates that someone, or some group just does not want the truth to emerge.

There is a long list of articles, websites, and video presentations that contain facts which clearly show that the virus, and the attendant disruption to our lives is not an accident. An ever increasing number of highly trained, board certified, and well respected doctors are being censored for bringing forth uncomfortable facts about the virus, its prevention, and its cure. Why is that? Who benefits if the truth is suppressed? If you can answer that question then you will know who is behind the conspiracy. It is written: “To find out who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”

The notion that the earth is overpopulated has been around for many years. Since the early 20th century much has been written about the issue, and in recent years the dire warnings are getting louder. I did a quick web search to locate an appropriate link to overpopulation information. Instantly I was presented an avalanche of information that made my eyes glaze over. What is interesting is, no matter how I phrased my search criteria, the name Bill Gates kept popping up. Why is that? Well, it seems that Bill has become the poster boy for some of the evil things that are happening in the world right now. However, only verifiable facts can prove his culpability, or remove him from the conspiracy merry-go-round. Time will clearly reveal the final chapter on this one.

At some point a conspiracy theory either turns into a real conspiracy, or is proven to be without merit. At that point, some people will simply move on to the next conspiracy theory conveniently waiting in the wings. For some people the facts just do not matter. They have their minds made up, and that’s, that. Here’s a test for you. Try saying the word conspiracy with out following it with the word “theory.” That might give you a clue as to how you process information. As for me, I simply put on my tin foil hat and search the web for the truth. After all, if it is on the Internet it must be true—or not?

If you were able to find your way here to read my commentary, you no doubt know how to do a web search for information. All the same, I have included a list of some interesting links to the world population issue. They are important because there really is a movement to reduce the population of the planet to a point where we can realistically feed and otherwise support all life on the planet, including the animals.

My personal belief is that if we do not grow too fast, we can support the people. That brings me back to what I said in the beginning of this presentation. When a technology is applied correctly it can greatly benefit humankind. We can make the deserts bloom, and tame the vast areas of wilderness, but that comes with a hefty price tag, and begs the question—who will pay the price. I also give credence to the opposing point of view that says we simply have too many people using dwindling resources.

Maybe seriously curtailing new population growth is the answer. The alternative too reducing population by managing future growth is not pretty. As far as the virus is concerned, it is by accident or by design, culling the heard. If it is by design they the designers must be unmasked, no pun intended. Statistics reveal that the vast majority of deaths attributed to the virus are among the elderly and infirm. Is that just a coincidence? Are we all watching a strange and deadly experiment play out before our eyes? I don’t claim to know, but I do know that looking at the facts will reveal the truth.

It is not possible to speak about the virus and not inject worldwide population growth into the discussion. They seem to be two unrelated topic, but are they really. Just take a step back and look at the big picture, and don’t forget to wear your mask. They are watching you. LOL

When technology is applied correctly it can greatly benefit humankind, but when it is not, the results can be a disaster, as we have recently seen with the virus.


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