
According to the Kardashev Scale of civilization, there are three types of planets. Type one, type two, and type three respectively. On  this scale, our earth is a type zero.

CLICK HERE To read about the Kardashev Scale.

Unfortunately, our current technology cannot control the weather. After a moderate amount of rain this past winter, California is already back into a heavy summer drought complete with the traditional forest and grass fires. As you can see in my video, Lake Mead is at it’s lowest level since it was created. This has got to have a negative effect on Las Vegas, and the other communities down stream of Lake Mead—including portions of Mexico, if you can believe that.  CLICK HERE to read about the dispute.

On the other side of the coin, Memphis Tennessee, has an abundance of water, as does Costa Rica, where I live. Too bad we can’t control the weather, or can we? Some say that we can, and that we are, but not for the benefit of everyone.  in fact, maybe the reverse is true, but I don’t know. However, it would be great to have a way of providing sufficient rain to the areas that need it.

Just thinking out loud again.


Drinkable Water

Thinking out loud...

You may have plenty of good drinkable water where you live, but so many locations do not. Never fear, the profiteers are ready to assist you…for a price of course.  In some places, water is now more costly than an equal amount of gasoline. How strange is that?  Stories abound about someone, or a group of someones controlling the weather to make drought conditions. I have no knowledge of that, so I will just let it be a thought in the wind for now.  You can do your own research on that issue if you so desire.  However, if I were the evil overlord of the world, I would buy up all the water rights, and then start causing droughts. Sound too far fetched? Well the Internet is rife with information about this very thing happening right before our eyes, or so it seems. Here are some links that support those suspicions.

Link to Water Barons

Link to Water Grab

Link to Coca Cola Page

If you care to know more, do a web search for: Who is buying up all the water rights in the world.

It would be a great story were it simply a case of a benevolent company coming to the rescue, but I wonder if maybe something more sinister is afoot. If you can help clarify this situation, please share your information here.



TPO – The Mall

I went to the new mall today and I took some video. Well, that is until a security guard told me that I could not take video of the activities. I asked him to show me the regulation against taking photos or video, and suddenly he was lost. Since I already had what I wanted, I put my camera away. That made him feel like he was doing his job. I felt good that I was able to allow him to feel like he was actually doing his job.

The mall  looked decent when only looking at a relatively small portion at a time, but looking at the big picture, it looked as if it were designed by a committee where each member spoke a different language. Add to that the fact that it is much like most other malls in the known universe, it is a monument to what not to create. In any case, they needed a new mall in the area like your cat needs more fleas. San José is a big city that, in reality, is just a huge mall with some hotels, government offices, and restaurants sprinkled around to make it seem otherwise. It is for me, a big boring city. Of course, with its mountains, forests, and beaches, Costa Rica is really beautiful and is very different from San José, which seems as out of place here, as the new mall.

With regard to the new mall, several words come to mind. In no particular order, ill-conceived, sterile, and clearly not needed.

That’s the view from my chair.



Rain has come to Costa Rica

Captain’s Blog – May 2, 2016

The Rains have come to Costa Rica, and I am happy to report, that in most locations of country, the dry season has given way to the wet season. There is a mini dry season in June and July, but the rain never seems to completely go away during those months. October is usually the month when the heavy rains come, but if there is some rain each week, the people, especially the farmers will be happy. The question now becomes…will there be enough rain in the areas that grow crops and feed livestock? My feeling is this year Costa Rica will receive the rain where it is needed, but I am not in charge, so the farmers will do what they have always done. Rely on Mother Nature to bring the life-giving rain.

CLICK HERE for weather report

Back from the Southern Zone

Exploring Costa Rica – Bahía Ballena – Part 2

I made it back okay from Whale Bay.  I had a great time as did all in attendance.  I have some pix to post, and at some point, I will have a very nice video available.  I had a great time, but when I arrived back at my house, I started getting sick, and I essentially lost a day.  I am happy to report that, with every hour that passes, I seem to be getting better, so I will have more to say about the trip within the next couple of days.

For those that commented (off-line) about the maps in the previous post, I have this information for you.  It turns out that in the interest of conserving space, the server “detunes” some images. Displaying the maps as a photo is a quick and easy way to go, but as several of you pointed out, they are fuzzy after the server does its thing.  Accordingly, I will find a better way to put maps on the site, and as I have done for so many years, I will be creative in finding a work-around,  In any case, thanks for the feed-back.


The Rainy Season

Captain’s Blog – April, 20 2016

I am not predisposed to become involved in the climate change debate, but I am curious how California can be in a serious drought, while at the exact same time, Texas is underwater. At the very least that does not seem fair. The brilliant physicist, Michio Kaku, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michio_Kaku is fond of using a planetary scale of evolution first proposed by Soviet astronomer, Nikolai Kardashev, to explain the level of development of a civilization. He assigns a number; either a 1, 2 or 3 to indicate the development or advancement of a planetary civilization. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kardashev_scale It turns out that the earth is a 0 (zero) on this scale. That puts us just a short distance past the Stone Age.  Ouch!

Even as a young person, I can remember that I wondered why we can’t control the weather. Maybe I will live to see the day that actually happens. According to some folks, we are already doing it, but apparently not for our benefit. That is a topic for another time. Right now I am concerned that the rainy season will commence in Costa Rica, and be adequate for the farmers this year. Last year was a little lean, so maybe this year will excite the men and women who grow the crops, and raise the livestock. As for me, I am looking for the return of the deep green fields, and hill sides.  I want my videos to show the real beauty of tropical Costa Rica.

The term rainy season is often incorrectly interpreted to mean the monsoon season. There are days in October where parts of Panama, and Costa Rica must look as if they are experiencing monsoons, but in the main, the rainy season is simply the time of year when it can rain–usually from Mid April (now) until the end of November. However, the last couple of years saw some rain in December, and even January.  Is this due to Climate Change?

My wish is that we get plenty of rain this year, but I want it to come in storms that are fairly evenly spaced and not all at once. I like the tropical rain, and I must confess that I do like a fairly strong storm from time to time. Technically, Cost Rica does not get hurricanes, or tornadoes. Nevertheless, there have been times when local winds were similar to a tornado. I am not sure that there ever was a tornado, but if it looks like a duck, and it walks like a duck, then…

I grew up in the USA, and in the course of my life I have been very close to seven tornadoes, or was that seven ducks? I try explaining to my Central American wife what it is like to be in or near a tornado, but without an example at hand, it is hard to convey the true essence of the experience.  I finally gave up, and opted instead to show her the movie TwisterShe is watching it even as I write this. I just now realized that some of the sound effects that I am hearing are coming from her as she reacts to what is happening on screen.

I like living in Costa Rica, and I no longer miss the four seasons. In Costa Rica there are only two seasons–winter and summer. That translates into wet or dry, or in reality, to mud or dust. I still love the fall in Michigan, where for a time, the trees turn bright colors and look as if they are on fire. Thankfully, I can always see this in the beautiful 4k photos posted on the Internet.  I sure don’t miss the traditional Michigan cold winters, or the snow (except maybe on Christmas morning.)

Warm Tropical Wishes to you, and let the rains begin.



Significant World Events

Captain’s Blog – April, 18 2016

This website is dedicated (in part) to the events of my life, and since I live in Central America, it has a natural focus on events here. I am however open to presenting, and/or discussing (almost) anything, and I clearly want your input, and experiences from Central, or North America. The electronic ink is not even dry on my new website, and I am aware that world events are rapidly unfolding–specifically, the events that concern worldwide finance.  I am hearing from several sources that many Costa Ricans currently living in the USA are coming “home” to live again in their native country. In addition, over the years I have been witness to the increasing numbers of North Americans (USA and Canada) that are making a permanent move to Costa Rica, Panama, or Nicaragua. I am told that records kept by the US. Department of State demonstrate this migration is also taking place to other parts of the world as well.

I have not lived in the USA since 1991, but I have visited often–actually, almost every year since I moved to Central America. However, many people tell me that life in the USA has changed since I left and not necessarily for the better. From time to time, I get a chance to see the international news, so I am aware of some of what is happening. I am sorry to see the negative changes, because no matter where my body may be, I am still an American.

If life in the USA or Canada has changed for you, then please share your experience with me, and the people who come here. My first newsletter, which is planned for May 1st, gives a fairly in-depth look at what it is like to live in Costa Rica. That will be followed with similar offerings about Panama, and Nicaragua. Be sure to go to the contact page and sign up for these informative offerings.

I am also curious to know if you are considering a permanent relocation to another country. In the mean time, be well and be happy.


Use the contact page to say howdy

My Official Launch

Captain’s Blog– April, 16, 2016 
We are now live on the Internet

Thanks for taking the time to look at my creation. It is already growing, and with a bit of luck, it will continue to grow for some time to come. It bears my name, so I have a reasonable chance of remembering where I put it.  In reality, I intend it to showcase the experiences of other people as well. In addition to being an Internet forum, it is for me an experiment, and a learning experience.

I don’t know where it will take us, but I do know that it will change and grow as we go.  I invite you to participate with me, and with your input, we might both be surprised where it will go.  Use the form in the CONTACT page to sign-up for my newsletter, or to leave me a message.

Thanks again for your visit,



Up and Running

Captain’s Blog– April, 10 2016


I am now visible to the world. That’s a scary thought, but I will no doubt get over it. The official LAUNCH is 16 April, but we are now live on the World Wide Web. I am curious to see if anyone actually stumbles onto the site.  If you are reading this, please go to the contact PAGE, or click here, and leave a note that you found us. In the mean time, know that new stories, new videos, and new Blogs will be appearing often.

Thanks for stopping by.  Sign-up for the newsletter, and tell your friends about us.


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